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Queue anylogic enable preemption

This allows us to identify the conditions under which it iscustomer segmentation and not cost differences that drive the decision.

queue anylogic enable preemption

We find a threshold for the remanufacturing cost below whichit is optimal to offer remanufactured products, and analyze its dependence on theconsumer profile.

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In the current study, we examine e-commerce usage among supplychain partners in the student loan industry and empirically investigate the salientcharacteristics of an e-commerce system that impact a school’s decision to use e-commerce to facilitate transactions among suppliers of student loans.■ WA02Quantitative Models for CLSC Design and OperationCluster: Closed-Loop Supply Chains and Sustainable OperationsInvited SessionChair: Sila Cetinkaya, Texas A&M University, Industrial and SystemsEngineering, College Station, TX, 77845-3131, United Elif Akcali, Assistant Professor, University of Florida,Industrial & Systems Engineering, Gainesville, FL, United - Impact of Consumer Behavior on the Profitability ofRemanufactured ProductsAna Muriel, Associate Professor, University of MassachusettsAmherst, 160 Governors Drive, Amherst, MA, 01003,United States, Yue Jin, Yihao LuWe investigate the profitability of remanufactured products for a monopoly firmin a single period. We explore the impact of asset specific investments such as RFIDon evolving supplier relationships through case studies of the world’s largestretail & aeronautics suppliers.4 - E-commerce Usage among Supply Chain Partners in theServices SectorMohammad Bsat, Associate Professor, Jackson State University,5201 Lakeland Dr., Suite 169, Jackson, 39232, United dewaynna catesOrganizations are integrating the flow of information and decision processesacross the supply chain to provide better customer service and improved businessperformance. We argue that not only scope & size of RSIbut specificity of investment such as RFID matters & moulds longstandingrelationships. Academicians demonstrated that scope & size of RSIdetermine the governance structure. The study’s findings providemanagerial insights for firms to understand and improve their LSC performance.3 - Dynamics of Relationship Specific Investments: Evidence fromRFID Adoption by SuppliersMiti Garg, Research Engineer, TLI-AP, Blk E3A, Level 3, 7Engineering Drive, Singapore, 117574, Singapore, tlimgDoes RSI really matter? This question is most commonly asked in literaturewhich explores the theory.

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The study conducted by survey of 207Chinese firms on logistic and supply chain (LSC) performance with a scorecard,which has 4 factors and 22 measurement items. In this paper the coordinationissue is analyzed further and the analysis is also partly carried out on a real lifecase.2 - An Exploratory Empirical Study Logistic and Supply ChainPerformance in Chinese FirmsZhiyong Xu, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xianning West Road, 28,Xi’an, 710049, China, Linyan SunAs the business environment becomes more and more uncertain andcompetitive, many organizations come to deal with these problems throughlogistics and supply chain management. To make this possible refinery planning andscheduling must be based on market information, refinery status, and relevantuse of decision support systems and their outputs.

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WA01INFORMS SEATTLE - 2007Wednesday, 8:00am - 9:30am■ WA01Supply Chain IIIContributed SessionChair: Mohammad Bsat, Associate Professor, Jackson State University,5201 Lakeland Dr., Suite 169, Jackson, 39232, United - Short-term Planning and Scheduling of a Refinery in anIntegrated Oil CompanyJens Bengtsson, Norwegian School of Economics and BusinessAdministration, Helleveien 30, Bergen, 5045, Sigrid-Lise NonasCoordination of activities along the supply chain of an integrated oil company isimportant in order to draw advantages from process flexibility and an activetrading and sales department.

Queue anylogic enable preemption